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Website Redesign | Marketing Campaign

Mann Lawyers


Website: Mann Lawyers, a local Ottawa law firm, needed a complete website refresh. Their requirements were a clean, easy-to-navigate site to accommodate the extensive information they needed to present. They needed a straightforward way to showcase each field of law and the lawyers specializing in those areas, while also including extensive long-form copy essential for their legal practice.

Ad Campaign: Mann Lawyers also sought an engaging and creative ad campaign to promote their areas of practice. Recognizing that law advertisements are typically unexciting, they wanted something attention-grabbing for newspapers, billboards, Google ads, and paid social media ads.


  • Website: Create a clean and clear website to showcase their many areas of practice.
  • Website: Maintain their brand identity while updating the site for a fresh look.
  • Website: Incorporate a blog area for publishing their numerous articles.
  • Ad Campaign: Develop an engaging campaign to attract audiences to their firm.
  • Ad Campaign: Produce creative materials for a variety of media platforms.


For the website redesign, we focused on creating a clean, modern layout with intuitive navigation to help users easily find information about each field of law and the respective lawyers. We organized the long-form content to be accessible and engaging, while maintaining the firm’s brand identity.

For the ad campaign, we developed a series of eye-catching ads using compelling imagery to draw attention. Working closely with the Art Director, we ensured the ads were visually consistent and produced variations for newspapers, billboards, Google ads, and social media. This included creating video ads for a paid social campaign to maximize engagement and reach.

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